Philips Scanning Software
Philips Holter Monitoring System is incredibly powerful while also extremely easy-to-use. Excellent Holter software is a combination of two parts: The first element is the underlying algorithm and how well it can correctly identify different heartbeats. The second element relates to the scanning tools or features available to help you quickly and accurately scan and then process and distribute the Holter Report. This is where lesser Holter systems let people down; they take too long to edit studies because they mislabel beats, and have cumbersome Class editing tools.
The tools included in the Zymed analysis software helps streamline your workflow in three steps: download, scan, create custom and accurate reports. The Zymed analysis software also provides solutions that make it easy for hospitals, physicians and scanning services to share information efficiently.
Now Available: Update your Philips Holter Software to Rev 3.0 for less than $700 and take advantage of its enhancements. For more info, click here.
While the software is comprehensive and powerful, technicians and physicians find that the Philips Holter Monitoring System is incredibly easy-to-use. Results are delivered from the recorder to healthcare professionals in three easy steps.
- Download – ECG files delivered to the scanning computer within 90 seconds
- Scan – The Zymed Algorithm powers accurate, customizable results that meet your needs
- Create Accurate, Customized Reports – Easily stored in EMR, HIS or TraceMasterVue or other ECG Management Systems
Powerful Tools
Depending on which Zymed Scanning Software best meets your needs, there are a wide range of comprehensive tools that deliver results.
- Personalize screen and navigation bars
- Simply the most complex AF and pacing scans with single-click editing
- Four different prospective and retrospective Scanning Modes with the ability to switch between them mid scan
- Philips’ unique Quick Scan combines the automation of retrospective scanning with the interactivity of prospective scanning
- Make edits directly within reports using Hyperlink capabilities
- Review ECGs in a 12-lead format using EASI
- Proven Accuracy – The Zymed Algorithm is verified with over 30 databases, including the MIT and AHA databases
- Report Viewer and Editor allows you to edit reports from anywhere
- Enhanced atrial fibrillation reporting allows you to easily assess AF burden
Seamless Integration and Connectivity
The power of Philips Healthcare makes connectivity between scanning services, hospitals, and physicians’ offices seamless. Information and data are easily shared between multiple locations. Whether you need to share information with remote locations, transfer secure reports via email, or export data to EMR, HIS, or TraceMasterVue, Philips Holter Monitoring System will deliver.