Our Blog

Why Coffey Medical?

Why Coffey Medical?

5 Reasons You Should Contact Us: You want better pricing on new DigiTrak XT Recorders You're trying to decide whether to add Holter to your practice or hospital You need accessories and supplies fast You need Technical Support You would like to link up several...

Holter Supplies Order Form Online

Holter Supplies Order Form Online

Holter monitoring supplies and accessories quote requests can now be made online from our website. Click here for the online Holter Supplies Quote Request Form. For questions, feel free to call us Toll Free 1-800-462-6359.  

Coffey Medical offers product lines to hospitals

PageWriter TC Series of cardiographs As Philips Healthcare’s Manufacturer’s Representative for hospitals, we represent the well-regarded PageWriter TC Series of cardiographs in the 16 states of Minneapolis, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri,...

How Do You Get Through 100,000 Heart Beats Quickly?

How Do You Get Through 100,000 Heart Beats Quickly?

There is an old saying, “You can pay me now...or pay me later,” which rings true when it comes to Holter scanning. Anyone who has ever scanned on a Holter system that only offers Retrospective scanning understands this concept. In a Retrospective Scanning Holter...